Modular OT
State-of-the-art Modular OT: Ensuring Minimal Infection, Maximum Care.
Dedicated Chemotherapy Day Care: Comfort and Specialized Care in Every Session
Rooms including Suit, deluxe & advanced facilities.
Advanced ICU: Compassionate Care with Cutting-Edge Technology.
Dedicated Chemotherapy Day Care: Comfort and Specialized Care in Every Session
CSSD equipped with a horizontal autoclave for efficient sterilization
OPD with advanced live surgery demonstration facilities.
ICU with Draegger & Mindray ventilator & monitors with central O2 & suction line
OPD with advanced live surgery demonstration facilities.
CSSD equipped with a horizontal autoclave for efficient sterilization
Dedicated day care unit for chemotherapy treatments
cancer pharmacy offering the latest in advanced oncology drugs
Cancer Surgeries Head & Neck, Breast, Thoracic, Gastrointestinal, Uro, Gynaec
Specialized treatment for cancers of the musculoskeletal system
All types of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeries for Uro & Gastrointestinal Cancer.
Surgeries including micro vascular free flaps for Breast, Head & Neck Cancer.
Dedicated unit for comprehensive chemotherapy treatment
Rooms offering suite, deluxe, and advanced facilities for premium comfort.